The Roots Emancipators program is a beautiful thing.
Eric Cato
Technician I Emancipators I Root Community Health Clinic

Impact on Society

Roots Community Health Center

Inspired by the recognition of its founder, Dr. Noha Aboelata, with an Irvine Award, the Roots Community Health Center (Roots) engaged Colectivo to redesign their website. Grounding our work in the rich content of a story bank, Colectivo created a website developed to:


  • Story Bank

  • Social Media

  • Website

  • Represent and introduce the brand
  • Demonstrate the transformative power of data
  • Tell the institutional story
  • Provide a springboard for a social media campaign

A website is the front door to your brand

Through the stories of Roots’s clients, we documented the lives Roots has changed.

Well-designed metrics demonstrate the organization’s quantitative impact

Colectivo elevated Roots’s metrics to counterpose the qualitative power of individual impact stories with the multiplicative impact of the brand.

A quote bank provides a rich trove of impact stories.


“To have respect for the situation someone is in, you have to have been through it yourself. I was homeless before with my wife and my kids. There were nights that we didn’t have a hotel or a room. We slept in our car. We stuck it out, going to work every day. The goal was never give up. And we didn’t.”

Jessie King,
Workforce Coordinator Roots Community Health Center

A quote with a photo represents a powerful tool that can be used for social media, newsletters, presentations, reports, and more.

Social media Colectivo used the Roots quote bank to produce a 30-post social media campaign.

“Young people will engage in a space where they feel honored, where they can trust.”

Aisha Mays, MD
Roots Community Health Center Medical Director, Dream Youth Clinic

Colectivo elevated our mission, vision, and purpose with care, humanity, and trust—as if it were their own.

Noha Aboelata, MD
Chief Executive Officer, Roots Community Health Center

Bring your impact story to life.